D.6.1.10. Changes in MySQL Connector/J 5.1.5 (09 October 2007)

The following features are new, compared to the 5.0 series of Connector/J

  • Support for JDBC-4.0 NCHAR, NVARCHAR and NCLOB types.

  • JDBC-4.0 support for setting per-connection client information (which can be viewed in the comments section of a query using SHOW PROCESSLIST on a MySQL server, or can be extended to support custom persistence of the information using a public interface).

  • Support for JDBC-4.0 XML processing using JAXP interfaces to DOM, SAX and StAX.

  • JDBC-4.0 standardized unwrapping to interfaces that include vendor extensions.

Functionality added or changed:

  • Added autoSlowLog configuration property, overrides slowQueryThreshold* properties, driver determines slow queries by those that are slower than 5 * stddev of the mean query time (outside the 96% percentile).

Bugs fixed:

  • When a connection is in read-only mode, queries that are wrapped in parentheses were incorrectly identified DML statements. (Bug#28256)

  • When calling setTimestamp on a prepared statement, the timezone information stored in the calendar object was ignored. This resulted in the incorrect DATETIME information being stored. The following example illustrates this:

    Timestamp t = new Timestamp( cal.getTimeInMillis() );
    ps.setTimestamp( N, t, cal );


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