The MysqldResource
class supports three
different constructor forms:
public MysqldResource(File baseDir, File dataDir, String mysqlVersionString, PrintStream out, PrintStream err)
Enables you to set the base directory, data directory, select a server by its version string, standard out and standard error.
public MysqldResource(File baseDir, File dataDir, String mysqlVersionString)
Enables you to set the base directory, data directory and select a server by its version string. Output for standard out and standard err are directed to System.out and System.err.
public MysqldResource(File baseDir, File dataDir)
Enables you to set the base directory and data directory. The default MySQL version is selected, and output for standard out and standard err are directed to System.out and System.err.
public MysqldResource(File baseDir);
Enables the setting of the "basedir" to deploy the MySQL files to. Output for standard out and standard err are directed to System.out and System.err.
public MysqldResource();
The basedir is defaulted to a subdirectory of the Output for standard out and standard err are directed to System.out and System.err;