Supported Template Markers

A list of supported markers follows. These markers can be used in any template, including custom templates.

Marker textTypeData Dictionary defined in (if variable) or parent dictionary (if section)Corresponding data
TITLEVariableMAINTitle of the report
GENERATEDVariableMAINDate and time that the report was generated
STYLE_NAMEVariableMAINThe name of the style selected in MySQL Workbench. This is typically used to load the corresponding CSS file, depending on the name of the style selected in MySQL Workbench.
SCHEMA_COUNTVariableMAINThe total number of schemata in the model
PROJECT_TITLEVariableMAINProject title as set for the model in Document Properties.
PROJECT_NAMEVariableMAINProject name as set for the model in Document Properties.
PROJECT_AUTHORVariableMAINProject author as set for the model in Document Properties.
PROJECT_VERSIONVariableMAINProject version as set for the model in Document Properties.
PROJECT_DESCRIPTIONVariableMAINProject description as set for the model in Document Properties.
PROJECT_CREATEDVariableMAINAutomatically set for the model project, but as displayed in Document Properties.
PROJECT_CHANGEDVariableMAINAutomatically set for the model project, but as displayed in Document Properties.
TOTAL_TABLE_COUNTVariableMAINTotal number of tables in all schemata contained in the model.
TOTAL_COLUMN_COUNTVariableMAINTotal number of columns in all tables in all schemata in the model.
TOTAL_INDEX_COUNTVariableMAINTotal number of indexes in the model.
TOTAL_FK_COUNTVariableMAINTotal number of foreign keys in the model.
SCHEMATASectionMAINUsed to mark the start and end of a SCHEMATA section. The SCHEMATA data dictionary becomes active in this section.
SCHEMA_NAMEVariableSCHEMATAThe name of a schema in the model
SCHEMA_IDVariableSCHEMATAThe ID of the schema
TABLE_COUNTVariableSCHEMATATotal total number of tables in the current schema
COLUMN_COUNTVariableSCHEMATAThe total number of columns in the current schema
INDICES_COUNTVariableSCHEMATAThe total number of indexes in the current schema
FOREIGN_KEYS_COUNTVariableSCHEMATAThe total number of foreign keys in the current schema
TABLESSectionSCHEMATAMarks the start and end of a TABLES section. The TABLES data dictionary becomes active in this section.
TABLE_NAMEVariableTABLESThe table name
TABLE_IDVariableTABLESThe table ID
COLUMNS_LISTINGSectionTABLESMarks the start and end of a COLUMNS_LISTING section. The COLUMNS_LISTING data dictionary becomes active in this section.
COLUMNSSectionCOLUMNS_LISTINGMarks the start and end of a COLUMNS section. The COLUMNS data dictionary becomes active in this section.
COLUMN_KEYVariableCOLUMNSWhether the column is a primary key or not
COLUMN_NAMEVariableCOLUMNSThe name of the column
COLUMN_DATATYPEVariableCOLUMNSThe data type of the column
COLUMN_NOTNULLVariableCOLUMNSWhether or not the column allows NULLs
COLUMN_DEFAULTVALUEVariableCOLUMNSThe default value of entries in this column
COLUMN_COMMENTVariableCOLUMNSAny comment for this column
COLUMN_IDVariableCOLUMNSThe ID of the column
COLUMN_KEY_PARTVariableCOLUMNS (if detailed)The type of column key
COLUMN_NULLABLEVariableCOLUMNS (if detailed)Can the column contain NULLs
COLUMN_AUTO_INCVariableCOLUMNS (if detailed)Does the column auto-increment
COLUMN_CHARSETVariableCOLUMNS (if detailed)The character set used by the column
COLUMN_COLLATIONVariableCOLUMNS (if detailed)The collation used by the column
COLUMN_IS_USERTYPEVariableCOLUMNS (if detailed)Whether or not the column is a user type
INDICES_LISTINGSectionTABLESMarks the start and end of an INDICES_LISTING section. The INDICES_LISTING data dictionary becomes active in this section.
INDICESSectionINDICES_LISTINGMarks the start and end of an INDICES section. The INDICES data dictionary becomes active in this section.
INDEX_NAMEVariableINDICESThe name of the index
INDEX_PRIMARYVariableINDICESIs this a primary index
INDEX_UNIQUEVariableINDICESIs this a unique index
INDEX_TYPEVariableINDICESThe type of index e.g. PRIMARY
INDEX_KINDVariableINDICESThe kind of index
INDEX_COMMENTVariableINDICESA comment for the index
INDEX_IDVariableINDICESThe ID of the index
INDEX_COLUMNSSectionINDICESMarks the start and end of an INDEX_COLUMNS section. The INDEX_COLUMNS data dictionary becomes active in this section.
INDEX_COLUMN_NAMEVariableINDEX_COLUMNSThe index column name
INDEX_COLUMN_ORDERVariableINDEX_COLUMNSThe index column order e.g. ascending, descending
INDEX_COLUMN_COMMENTVariableINDEX_COLUMNSA comment for the index column
INDEX_KEY_BLOCK_SIZEVariableINDEX_COLUMNS (if detailed)Index key block size
REL_LISTINGSectionTABLESMarks the start and end of a REL_LISTING section. The REL_LISTING data dictionary becomes active in this section.
RELSectionREL_LISTINGMarks the start and end of a REL section. The REL data dictionary becomes active in this section.
REL_NAMEVariableREL, FOREIGN_KEYSRelationship name
REL_TYPEVariableREL, FOREIGN_KEYSRelationship type
REL_PARENTTABLEVariableREL, FOREIGN_KEYSParent table of relationship
REL_CHILDTABLEVariableREL, FOREIGN_KEYSChild table of relationship
REL_CARDVariableREL, FOREIGN_KEYSRelationship card
FOREIGN_KEY_IDVariableRELForeign key ID
FOREIGN_KEYSSectionSCHEMATAMarks the start and end of a FOREIGN_KEYS section. The FOREIGN_KEYS data dictionary becomes active in this section.
FK_DELETE_RULEVariableFOREIGN_KEYSForeign key delete rule
FK_UPDATE_RULEVariableFOREIGN_KEYSForeign key update rule
FK_MANDATORYVariableFOREIGN_KEYSForeign key mandatory
TABLE_COMMENT_LISTINGSectionTABLESMarks the start and end of a TABLE_COMMENT_LISTING section. The TABLE_COMMENT_LISTING data dictionary becomes active in this section.
DDL_LISTINGSectionTABLESMarks the start and end of a DDL_LISTING section. The DDL_LISTING data dictionary becomes active in this section.
DDL_SCRIPTVariableDDL_LISTINGDisplay the DDL script of the currently active entity e..g. SCHEMATA, TABLES

Using the table

The table shows which variables are defined in which sections. The variable should be used in its correct section, otherwise its value will not be displayed.


It should be remembered though that the data dictionaries used to perform the lookup form a hierarchical tree, so it is possible to use a variable defined in a parent section, in a child section.

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