The stopword list is loaded and searched for full-text queries
using the server character set and collation (the values of the
system variables). False
hits or misses may occur for stopword lookups if the stopword
file or columns used for full-text indexing or searches have a
character set or collation different from
Case sensitivity of stopword lookups depends on the server
collation. For example, lookups are case insensitive if the
collation is latin1_swedish_ci
, whereas
lookups are case sensitive if the collation is
As of MySQL 5.5.6, the stopword file is loaded and searched
using latin1
, utf16
, or
. If any table was created with
indexes while the server character
set was ucs2
, utf16
, or
, it should be repaired using this
The following table shows the default list of full-text
stopwords. In a MySQL source distribution, you can find this
list in the storage/myisam/ft_static.c
a's | able | about | above | according |
accordingly | across | actually | after | afterwards |
again | against | ain't | all | allow |
allows | almost | alone | along | already |
also | although | always | am | among |
amongst | an | and | another | any |
anybody | anyhow | anyone | anything | anyway |
anyways | anywhere | apart | appear | appreciate |
appropriate | are | aren't | around | as |
aside | ask | asking | associated | at |
available | away | awfully | be | became |
because | become | becomes | becoming | been |
before | beforehand | behind | being | believe |
below | beside | besides | best | better |
between | beyond | both | brief | but |
by | c'mon | c's | came | can |
can't | cannot | cant | cause | causes |
certain | certainly | changes | clearly | co |
com | come | comes | concerning | consequently |
consider | considering | contain | containing | contains |
corresponding | could | couldn't | course | currently |
definitely | described | despite | did | didn't |
different | do | does | doesn't | doing |
don't | done | down | downwards | during |
each | edu | eg | eight | either |
else | elsewhere | enough | entirely | especially |
et | etc | even | ever | every |
everybody | everyone | everything | everywhere | ex |
exactly | example | except | far | few |
fifth | first | five | followed | following |
follows | for | former | formerly | forth |
four | from | further | furthermore | get |
gets | getting | given | gives | go |
goes | going | gone | got | gotten |
greetings | had | hadn't | happens | hardly |
has | hasn't | have | haven't | having |
he | he's | hello | help | hence |
her | here | here's | hereafter | hereby |
herein | hereupon | hers | herself | hi |
him | himself | his | hither | hopefully |
how | howbeit | however | i'd | i'll |
i'm | i've | ie | if | ignored |
immediate | in | inasmuch | inc | indeed |
indicate | indicated | indicates | inner | insofar |
instead | into | inward | is | isn't |
it | it'd | it'll | it's | its |
itself | just | keep | keeps | kept |
know | known | knows | last | lately |
later | latter | latterly | least | less |
lest | let | let's | like | liked |
likely | little | look | looking | looks |
ltd | mainly | many | may | maybe |
me | mean | meanwhile | merely | might |
more | moreover | most | mostly | much |
must | my | myself | name | namely |
nd | near | nearly | necessary | need |
needs | neither | never | nevertheless | new |
next | nine | no | nobody | non |
none | noone | nor | normally | not |
nothing | novel | now | nowhere | obviously |
of | off | often | oh | ok |
okay | old | on | once | one |
ones | only | onto | or | other |
others | otherwise | ought | our | ours |
ourselves | out | outside | over | overall |
own | particular | particularly | per | perhaps |
placed | please | plus | possible | presumably |
probably | provides | que | quite | qv |
rather | rd | re | really | reasonably |
regarding | regardless | regards | relatively | respectively |
right | said | same | saw | say |
saying | says | second | secondly | see |
seeing | seem | seemed | seeming | seems |
seen | self | selves | sensible | sent |
serious | seriously | seven | several | shall |
she | should | shouldn't | since | six |
so | some | somebody | somehow | someone |
something | sometime | sometimes | somewhat | somewhere |
soon | sorry | specified | specify | specifying |
still | sub | such | sup | sure |
t's | take | taken | tell | tends |
th | than | thank | thanks | thanx |
that | that's | thats | the | their |
theirs | them | themselves | then | thence |
there | there's | thereafter | thereby | therefore |
therein | theres | thereupon | these | they |
they'd | they'll | they're | they've | think |
third | this | thorough | thoroughly | those |
though | three | through | throughout | thru |
thus | to | together | too | took |
toward | towards | tried | tries | truly |
try | trying | twice | two | un |
under | unfortunately | unless | unlikely | until |
unto | up | upon | us | use |
used | useful | uses | using | usually |
value | various | very | via | viz |
vs | want | wants | was | wasn't |
way | we | we'd | we'll | we're |
we've | welcome | well | went | were |
weren't | what | what's | whatever | when |
whence | whenever | where | where's | whereafter |
whereas | whereby | wherein | whereupon | wherever |
whether | which | while | whither | who |
who's | whoever | whole | whom | whose |
why | will | willing | wish | with |
within | without | won't | wonder | would |
wouldn't | yes | yet | you | you'd |
you'll | you're | you've | your | yours |
yourself | yourselves | zero |