Performing an Unattended Installation

The basic process for performing an unattended installation is the same for both the MySQL Enterprise Agent and MySQL Enterprise Service Manager installers, with the only difference being the options supported by each installer. For information on the options for MySQL Enterprise Service Manager, see Section, “MySQL Enterprise Service Manager Options”. For information on the options for MySQL Enterprise Agent, see Section, “MySQL Enterprise Agent Options”.

There are two methods for installation: either specify the option on the command line, or use an options file containing the relevant options and their values.

For example, using the command-line method, you could install the MySQL Enterprise Agent using:

shell> mysqlmonitoragent-version-linux-glibc2.3-x86-64bit-installer.bin
   --installdir /data0/mysql/agent
   --mysqlhost --mysqlport 3306 --mysqluser agent --mysqlpassword mysql --checkmysqlhost yes
   --managerhost localhost --managerport 48080 --agentuser AGENTUSER --agentpassword PASSWORD
   --proxyport 44044 --mode unattended --enableproxy 1
   --createaccount 1 --rootuser ROOTUSER --rootpassword PASSWORD

For unattended installation using an option file, create a text file that contains the definition for the installation. For this example, the file will be named options.server.txt. An example of the options configuration file is shown below:


This file identifies a directory and file name for a log file, sets the mode to unattended, and uses the installdir option to specify an installation directory.


Set the installdir and debugtrace options to values appropriate to your locale and operating system.

The only options that must be specified in an option file when installing the MySQL Enterprise Service Manager are mode (if not specified at the command line), installdir, and adminpassword.

Check the options in your option file closely before installation; problems during unattended installation do not produce any error messages.

Put the monitor installer file and the options file in the same directory.

The following examples show how to start the unattended installation from the command line.

On Windows within a command shell:

C:\> mysqlmonitor-version-windows-installer.bin --optionfile options.server.txt

On Unix, use a command-line of the form:

shell> mysqlmonitor-version-installer.bin --optionfile options.server.txt

On Mac OS X, locate the installerbuilder.sh within the installation package directory. For example:

shell> ./mysqlmonitoragent-version-osx-installer.app/Contents/MacOS/installbuilder.sh --optionfile options.server.txt

When installing MySQL Enterprise Agent, the same basic process can be followed using the MySQL Enterprise Agent installer and the corresponding agent options.

As a minimum for the MySQL Enterprise Agent installation, specify the mode (if not specified at the command line), mysqluser, installdir, mysqlpassword, and agentpassword options. Create a file containing these values and use it with the optionfile option for unattended agent installation.

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