The SimpleXMLElement class
Represents an element in an XML document.
Class synopsis
/* Methods */
public __construct
( string $data
[, int $options = 0
[, bool $data_is_url = false
[, string $ns = ""
[, bool $is_prefix = false
]]]] )
}Table of Contents
- SimpleXMLElement::addAttribute — Adds an attribute to the SimpleXML element
- SimpleXMLElement::addChild — Adds a child element to the XML node
- SimpleXMLElement::asXML — Return a well-formed XML string based on SimpleXML element
- SimpleXMLElement::attributes — Identifies an element's attributes
- SimpleXMLElement::children — Finds children of given node
- SimpleXMLElement::__construct — Creates a new SimpleXMLElement object
- SimpleXMLElement::count — Counts the children of an element
- SimpleXMLElement::getDocNamespaces — Returns namespaces declared in document
- SimpleXMLElement::getName — Gets the name of the XML element
- SimpleXMLElement::getNamespaces — Returns namespaces used in document
- SimpleXMLElement::registerXPathNamespace — Creates a prefix/ns context for the next XPath query
- SimpleXMLElement::saveXML — Alias of SimpleXMLElement::asXML
- SimpleXMLElement::xpath — Runs XPath query on XML data