
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)

Countable::countCount elements of an object


abstract public int Countable::count ( void )

This method is executed when using the count() function on an object implementing Countable.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

The custom count as an integer.


The return value is cast to an integer.


Example #1 Countable::count() example

class myCounter implements Countable {
    public function 
count() {
$count 0;
        return ++

$counter = new myCounter;

$i=0$i<10; ++$i) {
"I have been count()ed " count($counter) . " times\n";

The above example will output something similar to:

I have been count()ed 1 times
I have been count()ed 2 times
I have been count()ed 3 times
I have been count()ed 4 times
I have been count()ed 5 times
I have been count()ed 6 times
I have been count()ed 7 times
I have been count()ed 8 times
I have been count()ed 9 times
I have been count()ed 10 times

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