(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)
imagecopymergegray — Copy and merge part of an image with gray scale
imagecopymergegray() copy a part of src_im onto dst_im starting at the x,y coordinates src_x, src_y with a width of src_w and a height of src_h. The portion defined will be copied onto the x,y coordinates, dst_x and dst_y.
This function is identical to imagecopymerge() except that when merging it preserves the hue of the source by converting the destination pixels to gray scale before the copy operation.
- dst_im
Destination image link resource.
- src_im
Source image link resource.
- dst_x
x-coordinate of destination point.
- dst_y
y-coordinate of destination point.
- src_x
x-coordinate of source point.
- src_y
y-coordinate of source point.
- src_w
Source width.
- src_h
Source height.
- pct
The src_im will be changed to grayscale according to pct where 0 is fully grayscale and 100 is unchanged. When pct = 100 this function behaves identically to imagecopy() for pallete images, while it implements alpha transparency for true colour images.
Return Values
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
Example #1 imagecopymergegray() usage
// Create image instances
$dest = imagecreatefromgif('php.gif');
$src = imagecreatefromgif('php.gif');
// Copy and merge - Gray = 20%
imagecopymergegray($dest, $src, 10, 10, 0, 0, 100, 47, 20);
// Output and free from memory
header('Content-Type: image/gif');