(PHP 4, PHP 5, PECL odbtp >= 1.1.1)
mssql_field_type — Gets the type of a field
string mssql_field_type
( resource $result
[, int $offset = -1
] )
Returns the type of field no. offset in result.
- result
The result resource that is being evaluated. This result comes from a call to mssql_query().
- offset
The field offset, starts at 0. If omitted, the current field is used.
Return Values
The type of the specified field index on success or FALSE on failure.
Example #1 mssql_field_type() example
// Connect to MSSQL and select the database
mssql_connect('MANGO\SQLEXPRESS', 'sa', 'phpfi');
// Send a select query to MSSQL
$query = mssql_query('SELECT [name] FROM [php].[dbo].[persons]');
// Print the field type and length
echo '\'' . mssql_field_name($query, 0) . '\' is a type of ' .
strtoupper(mssql_field_type($query, 0)) .
'(' . mssql_field_length($query, 0) . ')';
// Free the query result
The above example will output something similar to:
'name' is a type of CHAR(50)
See Also
- mssql_field_length() - Get the length of a field
- mssql_field_name() - Get the name of a field