(PECL openal >= 0.1.0)
openal_source_get — Retrieve an OpenAL source property
- source
An Open AL(Source) resource (previously created by openal_source_create()).
- property
Property to get, one of: AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE (int), AL_SOURCE_STATE (int), AL_PITCH (float), AL_GAIN (float), AL_MIN_GAIN (float), AL_MAX_GAIN (float), AL_MAX_DISTANCE (float), AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR (float), AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN (float), AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE (float), AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE (float), AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE (float), AL_POSITION (array(float,float,float)), AL_VELOCITY (array(float,float,float)), AL_DIRECTION (array(float,float,float)).
Return Values
Returns the type associated with the property being retrieved or FALSE on failure.
See Also
- openal_source_create() - Generate a source resource
- openal_source_set() - Set source property
- openal_source_play() - Start playing the source