(PECL gearman <= 0.5.0)
GearmanJob::status — Send status (deprecated)
public bool GearmanJob::status
( int $numerator
, int $denominator
Sends status information to the job server and any listening clients. Use this to specify what percentage of the job has been completed.
This method has been replaced by GearmanJob::sendStatus() in the 0.6.0 release of the Gearman extenstion.
- numerator
The numerator of the precentage completed expressed as a fraction.
- denominator
The denominator of the precentage completed expressed as a fraction.
Return Values
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
See Also
- GearmanClient::jobStatus() - Get the status of a background job
- GearmanTask::taskDenominator() - Get completion percentage denominator
- GearmanTask::taskNumerator() - Get completion percentage numerator