Autoloading Classes

Many developers writing object-oriented applications create one PHP source file per-class definition. One of the biggest annoyances is having to write a long list of needed includes at the beginning of each script (one for each class).

In PHP 5, this is no longer necessary. You may define an __autoload function which is automatically called in case you are trying to use a class/interface which hasn't been defined yet. By calling this function the scripting engine is given a last chance to load the class before PHP fails with an error.


Prior to 5.3.0, exceptions thrown in the __autoload function could not be caught in the catch block and would result in a fatal error. From 5.3.0+ exceptions thrown in the __autoload function can be caught in the catch block, with 1 provision. If throwing a custom exception, then the custom exception class must be available. The __autoload function may be used recursively to autoload the custom exception class.


Autoloading is not available if using PHP in CLI interactive mode.


If the class name is used e.g. in call_user_func() then it can contain some dangerous characters such as ../. It is recommended to not use the user-input in such functions or at least verify the input in __autoload().

Example #1 Autoload example

This example attempts to load the classes MyClass1 and MyClass2 from the files MyClass1.php and MyClass2.php respectively.

function __autoload($class_name) {
$class_name '.php';

$obj  = new MyClass1();
$obj2 = new MyClass2(); 

Example #2 Autoload other example

This example attempts to load the interface ITest.


function __autoload($name) {

Foo implements ITest {

string(5) "ITest"

Fatal error: Interface 'ITest' not found in ...

Example #3 Autoloading with exception handling for 5.3.0+

This example throws an exception and demonstrates the try/catch block.

function __autoload($name) {
"Want to load $name.\n";
    throw new 
Exception("Unable to load $name.");

try {
$obj = new NonLoadableClass();
} catch (
Exception $e) {
$e->getMessage(), "\n";

The above example will output:

Want to load NonLoadableClass.
Unable to load NonLoadableClass.

Example #4 Autoloading with exception handling for 5.3.0+ - Missing custom exception

This example throws an exception for a non-loadable, custom exception.

function __autoload($name) {
"Want to load $name.\n";
    throw new 
MissingException("Unable to load $name.");

try {
$obj = new NonLoadableClass();
} catch (
Exception $e) {
$e->getMessage(), "\n";

The above example will output:

Want to load NonLoadableClass.
Want to load MissingException.

Fatal error: Class 'MissingException' not found in testMissingException.php on line 4

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