
(PECL mongo >=0.9.3)

MongoDB::executeRuns JavaScript code on the database server.


public array MongoDB::execute ( mixed $code [, array $args = array() ] )

The Mongo database server runs a JavaScript engine. This method allows you to run arbitary JavaScript on the database. This can be useful if you want touch a number of collections lightly, or process some results on the database side to reduce the amount that has to be sent to the client.



MongoCode or string to execute.


Arguments to be passed to code.

Return Values

Returns the result of the evaluation.


Example #1 Simple MongoDB::execute() example


$db->execute("function() { return 'Hello, world!'; }");


The above example will output something similar to:

Hello, world!

Example #2 Parameter MongoDB::execute() example

The optional array of parameters will be passed to the JavaScript function.


$db->execute("function(greeting, name) { return greeting+', '+name+'!'; }", array("Good bye""Joe"));


The above example will output something similar to:

Good bye, Joe!

Example #3 Scope example

If a MongoCode object is used instead of a string for the first parameter, a scope can be passed in which the JavaScript will be executed.



"function(greeting, name) { ".
"return greeting+', '+name+', says '+greeter;".
$scope = array("greeter" => "Fred");

$code = new MongoCode($func$scope);

$response $db->execute($code, array("Goodbye""Joe"));


The above example will output something similar to:

Goodbye, Joe, says Fred

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