Cache by default

The query cache plugin will cache all queries regardless if the query string begins with the SQL hint which enables caching or not, if the PHP configuration directive mysqlnd_qc.cache_by_default is set to 1. The setting mysqlnd_qc.cache_by_default is evaluated by the core of the query cache plugins. Neither the built-in nor user-defined storage handler can overrule the setting.

The SQL hint /*qc=off*/ can be used to disable caching of individual queries if mysqlnd_qc.cache_by_default = 1 It is recommended to use the PHP constant MYSQLND_QC_DISABLE_SWITCH instead of using the string value.

/* Enable default caching of all statements */

/* Connect, create and populate test table */
$mysqli = new mysqli("host""user""password""schema""port""socket");
$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test");
$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)");
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1), (2)");

/* Will be cached although no SQL hint is present because of mysqlnd_qc.cache_by_default = 1*/
$res $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = 1");

$mysqli->query("DELETE FROM test WHERE id = 1");

/* Cache hit - no automatic invalidation and still valid! */
$res $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = 1");

/* Cache miss - query must not be cached or served from cache because of the SQL hint */
$res $mysqli->query("/*" MYSQLND_QC_DISABLE_SWITCH "*/SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = 1");


The above examples will output:

array(1) {
  string(1) "1"
array(1) {
  string(1) "1"

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