(PECL rar >= 3.0.0)
RarArchive::isBroken -- rar_broken_is — Test whether an archive is broken (incomplete)
Object oriented style (method):
public bool RarArchive::isBroken
( void
Procedural style:
This function determines whether an archive is incomplete, i.e., if a volume is missing or a volume is truncated.
Return Values
Returns TRUE if the archive is broken, FALSE otherwise. This function may also also return FALSE if the passed file has already been closed. The only way to tell the two cases apart is to enable exceptions with RarException::setUsingExceptions(); however, this should be unnecessary as a program should not operate on closed files.
Example #1 Object oriented style
function retnull() { return null; }
$file = dirname(__FILE__) . "/multi_broken.part1.rar";
/* Third argument is used to omit notice */
$arch = RarArchive::open($file, null, 'retnull');
The above example will output something similar to:
Example #2 Procedural style
function retnull() { return null; }
$file = dirname(__FILE__) . "/multi_broken.part1.rar";
/* Third argument is used to omit notice */
$arch = rar_open($file, null, 'retnull');