runkit Functions
Table of Contents
- Runkit_Sandbox — Runkit Sandbox Class -- PHP Virtual Machine
- Runkit_Sandbox_Parent — Runkit Anti-Sandbox Class
- runkit_class_adopt — Convert a base class to an inherited class, add ancestral methods when appropriate
- runkit_class_emancipate — Convert an inherited class to a base class, removes any method whose scope is ancestral
- runkit_constant_add — Similar to define(), but allows defining in class definitions as well
- runkit_constant_redefine — Redefine an already defined constant
- runkit_constant_remove — Remove/Delete an already defined constant
- runkit_function_add — Add a new function, similar to create_function
- runkit_function_copy — Copy a function to a new function name
- runkit_function_redefine — Replace a function definition with a new implementation
- runkit_function_remove — Remove a function definition
- runkit_function_rename — Change a function's name
- runkit_import — Process a PHP file importing function and class definitions, overwriting where appropriate
- runkit_lint_file — Check the PHP syntax of the specified file
- runkit_lint — Check the PHP syntax of the specified php code
- runkit_method_add — Dynamically adds a new method to a given class
- runkit_method_copy — Copies a method from class to another
- runkit_method_redefine — Dynamically changes the code of the given method
- runkit_method_remove — Dynamically removes the given method
- runkit_method_rename — Dynamically changes the name of the given method
- runkit_return_value_used — Determines if the current functions return value will be used
- runkit_sandbox_output_handler — Specify a function to capture and/or process output from a runkit sandbox
- runkit_superglobals — Return numerically indexed array of registered superglobals