Got rid of "ugly hack" in MysqlIO.nextRow(). Rather than catch an exception, Buffer.isLastDataPacket() was fixed.
Connection.getCatalog() and Connection.setCatalog() should work now.
Statement.setMaxRows() works, as well as setting by property maxRows. Statement.setMaxRows() overrides maxRows set using properties or url parameters.
Automatic re-connection is available. Because it has to "ping" the database before each query, it is turned off by default. To use it, pass in "autoReconnect=true" in the connection URL. You may also change the number of reconnect tries, and the initial timeout value using "maxReconnects=n" (default 3) and "initialTimeout=n" (seconds, default 2) parameters. The timeout is an exponential backoff type of timeout; for example, if you have initial timeout of 2 seconds, and maxReconnects of 3, then the driver will timeout 2 seconds, 4 seconds, then 16 seconds between each re-connection attempt.