The query cache probes are fired when executing any query. The
query is triggered when a
query exists in the query cache and can be used to return the
query cache information. The arguments contain the original
query text and the number of rows returned from the query cache
for the query. If the query is not within the query cache, or
the query cache is not enabled, then the
probe is triggered instead.
query-cache-hit(query, rows) query-cache-miss(query)
: Triggered when the query has been found within the query cache. The first argument,query
, contains the original text of the query. The second argument,rows
, is an integer containing the number of rows in the cached query.query-cache-misss
: Triggered when the query is not found within the query cache. The first argument,query
, contains the original text of the query.
The query cache probes are best combined with a probe on the main query so that you can determine the differences in times between using or not using the query cache for specified queries. For example, in the following D script, the query and query cache information are combined into the information output during monitoring:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s #pragma D option quiet dtrace:::BEGIN { printf("%-20s %-20s %-40s %2s %-9s\n", "Who", "Database", "Query", "QC", "Time(ms)"); } mysql*:::query-start { self->query = copyinstr(arg0); self->connid = arg1; self->db = copyinstr(arg2); self->who = strjoin(copyinstr(arg3),strjoin("@",copyinstr(arg4))); self->querystart = timestamp; self->qc = 0; } mysql*:::query-cache-hit { self->qc = 1; } mysql*:::query-cache-miss { self->qc = 0; } mysql*:::query-done { printf("%-20s %-20s %-40s %-2s %-9d\n",self->who,self->db,self->query,(self->qc ? "Y" : "N"), (timestamp - self->querystart) / 1000000); }
When executing the script you can see the effects of the query cache. Initially the query cache is disabled. If you set the query cache size and then execute the query multiple times you should see that the query cache is being used to return the query data:
shell> ./query-cache.d root@localhost test select * from t1 order by i limit 10 N 1072 root@localhost set global query_cache_size=262144 N 0 root@localhost test select * from t1 order by i limit 10 N 781 root@localhost test select * from t1 order by i limit 10 Y 0