8.5. Expression Syntax

The following rules define expression syntax in MySQL. The grammar shown here is based on that given in the sql/sql_yacc.yy file of MySQL source distributions. See the notes after the grammar for additional information about some of the terms. Operator precedence is given in Section 11.3.1, “Operator Precedence”.

    expr OR expr
  | expr || expr
  | expr XOR expr
  | expr AND expr
  | expr && expr
  | NOT expr
  | ! expr
  | boolean_primary IS [NOT] {TRUE | FALSE | UNKNOWN}
  | boolean_primary

    boolean_primary IS [NOT] NULL
  | boolean_primary <=> predicate
  | boolean_primary comparison_operator predicate
  | boolean_primary comparison_operator {ALL | ANY} (subquery)
  | predicate

comparison_operator: = | >= | > | <= | < | <> | !=

    bit_expr [NOT] IN (subquery)
  | bit_expr [NOT] IN (expr [, expr] ...)
  | bit_expr [NOT] BETWEEN bit_expr AND predicate
  | bit_expr SOUNDS LIKE bit_expr
  | bit_expr [NOT] LIKE simple_expr [ESCAPE simple_expr]
  | bit_expr [NOT] REGEXP bit_expr
  | bit_expr

    bit_expr | bit_expr
  | bit_expr & bit_expr
  | bit_expr << bit_expr
  | bit_expr >> bit_expr
  | bit_expr + bit_expr
  | bit_expr - bit_expr
  | bit_expr * bit_expr
  | bit_expr / bit_expr
  | bit_expr DIV bit_expr
  | bit_expr MOD bit_expr
  | bit_expr % bit_expr
  | bit_expr ^ bit_expr
  | bit_expr + interval_expr
  | bit_expr - interval_expr
  | simple_expr

  | identifier
  | function_call
  | simple_expr COLLATE collation_name
  | param_marker
  | variable
  | simple_expr || simple_expr
  | + simple_expr
  | - simple_expr
  | ~ simple_expr
  | ! simple_expr
  | BINARY simple_expr
  | (expr [, expr] ...)
  | ROW (expr, expr [, expr] ...)
  | (subquery)
  | EXISTS (subquery)
  | {identifier expr}
  | match_expr
  | case_expr
  | interval_expr


For literal value syntax, see Section 8.1, “Literal Values”.

For identifier syntax, see Section 8.2, “Schema Object Names”.

Variables can be user variables, system variables, or stored program local variables or parameters:

param_marker is '?' as used in prepared statements for placeholders. See Section 12.6.1, “PREPARE Syntax”.

(subquery) indicates a subquery that returns a single value; that is, a scalar subquery. See Section, “The Subquery as Scalar Operand”.

{identifier expr} is ODBC escape syntax and is accepted for ODBC compatibility. The value is expr. The curly braces in the syntax should be written literally; they are not metasyntax as used elsewhere in syntax descriptions.

match_expr indicates a MATCH expression. See Section 11.9, “Full-Text Search Functions”.

case_expr indicates a CASE expression. See Section 11.4, “Control Flow Functions”.

interval_expr represents a time interval. The syntax is INTERVAL expr unit, where unit is a specifier such as HOUR, DAY, or WEEK. For the full list of unit specifiers, see the description of the DATE_ADD() function in Section 11.7, “Date and Time Functions”.

The meaning of some operators depends on the SQL mode:

  • By default, || is a logical OR operator. With PIPES_AS_CONCAT enabled, || is string concatenation, with a precedence between ^ and the unary operators.

  • By default, ! has a higher precedence than NOT. With HIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE enabled, ! and NOT have the same precedence.

See Section 5.1.7, “Server SQL Modes”.

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