Using memcached-tool

The memcached-tool, located within the scripts directory within the memcached source directory. The tool provides convenient access to some reports and statistics from any memcached instance.

The basic format of the command is:

shell> ./memcached-tool hostname:port [command]

The default output produces a list of the slab allocations and usage. For example:

shell> memcached-tool localhost:11211 display
  #  Item_Size  Max_age   Pages   Count   Full?  Evicted Evict_Time OOM
  1      80B        93s       1      20      no        0        0    0
  2     104B        93s       1      16      no        0        0    0
  3     136B      1335s       1      28      no        0        0    0
  4     176B      1335s       1      24      no        0        0    0
  5     224B      1335s       1      32      no        0        0    0
  6     280B      1335s       1      34      no        0        0    0
  7     352B      1335s       1      36      no        0        0    0
  8     440B      1335s       1      46      no        0        0    0
  9     552B      1335s       1      58      no        0        0    0
 10     696B      1335s       1      66      no        0        0    0
 11     872B      1335s       1      89      no        0        0    0
 12     1.1K      1335s       1     112      no        0        0    0
 13     1.3K      1335s       1     145      no        0        0    0
 14     1.7K      1335s       1     123      no        0        0    0
 15     2.1K      1335s       1     198      no        0        0    0
 16     2.6K      1335s       1     199      no        0        0    0
 17     3.3K      1335s       1     229      no        0        0    0
 18     4.1K      1335s       1     248     yes       36        2    0
 19     5.2K      1335s       2     328      no        0        0    0
 20     6.4K      1335s       2     316     yes      387        1    0
 21     8.1K      1335s       3     381     yes      492        1    0
 22    10.1K      1335s       3     303     yes      598        2    0
 23    12.6K      1335s       5     405     yes      605        1    0
 24    15.8K      1335s       6     384     yes      766        2    0
 25    19.7K      1335s       7     357     yes      908      170    0
 26    24.6K      1336s       7     287     yes     1012        1    0
 27    30.8K      1336s       7     231     yes     1193      169    0
 28    38.5K      1336s       4     104     yes     1323      169    0
 29    48.1K      1336s       1      21     yes     1287        1    0
 30    60.2K      1336s       1      17     yes     1093      169    0
 31    75.2K      1337s       1      13     yes      713      168    0
 32    94.0K      1337s       1      10     yes      278      168    0
 33   117.5K      1336s       1       3      no        0        0    0

This output is the same if you specify the command as display:

shell> memcached-tool localhost:11211 display
  #  Item_Size  Max_age   Pages   Count   Full?  Evicted Evict_Time OOM
  1      80B        93s       1      20      no        0        0    0
  2     104B        93s       1      16      no        0        0    0

The output shows a summarized version of the output from the slabs statistics. The columns provided in the output are shown below:

  • #: The slab number

  • Item_Size: The size of the slab

  • Max_age: The age of the oldest item in the slab

  • Pages: The number of pages allocated to the slab

  • Count: The number of items in this slab

  • Full?: Whether the slab is fully populated

  • Evicted: The number of objects evicted from this slab

  • Evict_Time: The time (in seconds) since the last eviction

  • OOM: The number of items that have triggered an out of memory error

You can also obtain a dump of the general statistics for the server using the stats command:

shell> memcached-tool localhost:11211 stats  
#localhost:11211   Field       Value
         accepting_conns           1
                   bytes         162
              bytes_read         485
           bytes_written        6820
              cas_badval           0
                cas_hits           0
              cas_misses           0
               cmd_flush           0
                 cmd_get           4
                 cmd_set           2
             conn_yields           0
   connection_structures          11
        curr_connections          10
              curr_items           2
               decr_hits           0
             decr_misses           1
             delete_hits           0
           delete_misses           0
               evictions           0
                get_hits           4
              get_misses           0
               incr_hits           0
             incr_misses           2
          limit_maxbytes    67108864
     listen_disabled_num           0
                     pid       12981
            pointer_size          32
           rusage_system    0.013911
             rusage_user    0.011876
                 threads           4
                    time  1255518565
       total_connections          20
             total_items           2
                  uptime         880
                 version       1.4.2

The memcached-tool provides

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