Choose a value from the refresh drop-down list box to set the rate at which information is updated. This refresh rate applies only to the information presented on this page: It is independent of the rate set for the Monitor tab.
The following columns describe replication servers and their slaves:
Servers: Displays the group name and any master servers and slaves
Type: Indicates the topology of a server group or in the case of individual servers, whether a server is a master, a master/slave, or a slave
Slave IO: Reports the status of the slave IO thread
Slave SQL: Reports the status of the slave SQL thread
Time Behind: The interval that the slave is behind the master, in
format. This column is blank if a server is a master.Binlog: The binary log file name
Binlog Pos: The current position in the binary log file
Master Binlog: The master binary log file name
Master Binlog Pos: The current position in the master binary log file
Last Error: The most recent error
Unlabeled Column: Use the rename group link on the server group line to edit the server group name
Levels of indentation in the Servers
show the relationship between master servers and their slaves.
Most column headings are active links that allow you to change the
order of display by clicking the header. Sorting works differently
for different column groupings. Click the Seconds
header to order servers by the number of seconds
they are behind their master. However, in all cases, the server
topology is respected. For example, in a TREE
topology, ordering occurs within branches only.
If the agent is down, servers show in bold red in the
column. The Slave IO
and the Slave SQL
columns display
in red text if these threads are not
running. If an agent is down, italics is used to display the last
know status of the IO or SQL threads.
Clicking a master server opens a dialog box that displays information about the server. The information shown includes:
The number of slave servers
The binary log file name
The binary log position
Which databases are replicated and which not
The dialog box also includes a link that allows the user to hide or show the slave servers.
Clicking a slave server opens a dialog window showing extensive information about the slave.