The DOMNode class
Class synopsis
- nodeName
Returns the most accurate name for the current node type
- nodeValue
The value of this node, depending on its type
- nodeType
Gets the type of the node. One of the predefined XML_xxx_NODE constants
- parentNode
The parent of this node
- childNodes
A DOMNodeList that contains all children of this node. If there are no children, this is an empty DOMNodeList.
- firstChild
The first child of this node. If there is no such node, this returns NULL.
- lastChild
The last child of this node. If there is no such node, this returns NULL.
- previousSibling
The node immediately preceding this node. If there is no such node, this returns NULL.
- nextSibling
The node immediately following this node. If there is no such node, this returns NULL.
- attributes
A DOMNamedNodeMap containing the attributes of this node (if it is a DOMElement) or NULL otherwise.
- ownerDocument
The DOMDocument object associated with this node.
- namespaceURI
The namespace URI of this node, or NULL if it is unspecified.
- prefix
The namespace prefix of this node, or NULL if it is unspecified.
- localName
Returns the local part of the qualified name of this node.
- baseURI
The absolute base URI of this node or NULL if the implementation wasn't able to obtain an absolute URI.
- textContent
This attribute returns the text content of this node and its descendants.
The DOM extension uses UTF-8 encoding. Use utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() to work with texts in ISO-8859-1 encoding or Iconv for other encodings.
Table of Contents
- DOMNode::appendChild — Adds new child at the end of the children
- DOMNode::cloneNode — Clones a node
- DOMNode::getLineNo — Get line number for a node
- DOMNode::hasAttributes — Checks if node has attributes
- DOMNode::hasChildNodes — Checks if node has children
- DOMNode::insertBefore — Adds a new child before a reference node
- DOMNode::isDefaultNamespace — Checks if the specified namespaceURI is the default namespace or not
- DOMNode::isSameNode — Indicates if two nodes are the same node
- DOMNode::isSupported — Checks if feature is supported for specified version
- DOMNode::lookupNamespaceURI — Gets the namespace URI of the node based on the prefix
- DOMNode::lookupPrefix — Gets the namespace prefix of the node based on the namespace URI
- DOMNode::normalize — Normalizes the node
- DOMNode::removeChild — Removes child from list of children
- DOMNode::replaceChild — Replaces a child