The Memcache class
Represents a connection to a set of memcache servers.
Class synopsis
bool addServer
( string $host
[, int $port = 11211
[, bool $persistent
[, int $weight
[, int $timeout
[, int $retry_interval
[, bool $status
[, callback $failure_callback
[, int $timeoutms
]]]]]]]] )
bool setServerParams
( string $host
[, int $port = 11211
[, int $timeout
[, int $retry_interval = false
[, bool $status
[, callback $failure_callback
]]]]] )
}Table of Contents
- Memcache::add — Add an item to the server
- Memcache::addServer — Add a memcached server to connection pool
- Memcache::close — Close memcached server connection
- Memcache::connect — Open memcached server connection
- Memcache::decrement — Decrement item's value
- Memcache::delete — Delete item from the server
- Memcache::flush — Flush all existing items at the server
- Memcache::get — Retrieve item from the server
- Memcache::getExtendedStats — Get statistics from all servers in pool
- Memcache::getServerStatus — Returns server status
- Memcache::getStats — Get statistics of the server
- Memcache::getVersion — Return version of the server
- Memcache::increment — Increment item's value
- Memcache::pconnect — Open memcached server persistent connection
- Memcache::replace — Replace value of the existing item
- Memcache::set — Store data at the server
- Memcache::setCompressThreshold — Enable automatic compression of large values
- Memcache::setServerParams — Changes server parameters and status at runtime