(PECL memcache >= 0.2.0)
Memcache::decrement — Decrement item's value
int Memcache::decrement
( string $key
[, int $value = 1
] )
Memcache::decrement() decrements value of the item by value. Similarly to Memcache::increment(), current value of the item is being converted to numerical and after that value is substracted.
New item's value will not be less than zero.
Memcache::decrement() does not create an item if it didn't exist. Also you can use memcache_decrement() function.Note:
Do not use Memcache::decrement() with item, which was stored compressed, because consequent call to Memcache::get() will fail.
- key
Key of the item do decrement.
- value
Decrement the item by value.
Return Values
Returns item's new value on success or FALSE on failure.
Example #1 Memcache::decrement() example
/* procedural API */
$memcache_obj = memcache_connect('memcache_host', 11211);
/* decrement item by 2 */
$new_value = memcache_decrement($memcache_obj, 'test_item', 2);
/* OO API */
$memcache_obj = new Memcache;
$memcache_obj->connect('memcache_host', 11211);
/* decrement item by 3 */
$new_value = $memcache_obj->decrement('test_item', 3);
See Also
- Memcache::increment() - Increment item's value
- Memcache::replace() - Replace value of the existing item