The TokyoTyrant class
The main Tokyo Tyrant class
Class synopsis
Predefined Constants
TokyoTyrant Constants
- TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT
The default port of the Tokyo Tyrant database
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_STREQ
string is equal to
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_STRINC
string is included in
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_STRBW
string begins with
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_STREW
string ends with
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_STRAND
string includes all tokens in
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_STROR
string includes at least one token in
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_STROREQ
string is equal to at least one token in
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_STRRX
string matches regular expressions of
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_NUMEQ
number is equal to
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_NUMGT
number is greater than
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_NUMGE
number is greater than or equal to
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_NUMLT
number is less than
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_NUMLE
number is less than or equal to
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_NUMBT
number is between two tokens of
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_NUMOREQ
number is equal to at least one token in
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_NEGATE
negation flag
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_NOIDX
no index flag
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQO_STRASC
string ascending
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQO_STRDESC
string descending
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQO_NUMASC
number ascending
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQO_NUMDESC
number descending
- TokyoTyrant::RDBIT_LEXICAL
lexical string
- TokyoTyrant::RDBIT_DECIMAL
decimal string
- TokyoTyrant::RDBIT_TOKEN
token inverted index (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
- TokyoTyrant::RDBIT_QGRAM
QGRAM inverted index (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
- TokyoTyrant::RDBIT_OPT
- TokyoTyrant::RDBIT_VOID
- TokyoTyrant::RDBIT_KEEP
keep existing index
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQCFTS_PH
full-text search with the phrase of (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQCFTS_AND
full-text search with all tokens in (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQCFTS_OR
full-text search with at least one token in (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQCFTS_EX
full-text search with the compound expression of (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQCFTS_AND
Metasearch union between records (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.33)
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQCFTS_OR
Metasearch intersection between records (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.33)
- TokyoTyrant::RDBQCFTS_EX
Metasearch difference between records (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.33)
- TokyoTyrant::RDBT_RECON
Whether to reconnect on connection failure. It is recommended to have this parameter on for persistent connections
- TokyoTyrant::RDBXOLCK_REC
record locking
- TokyoTyrant::RDBXOLCK_GLB
global locking
- TokyoTyrant::RDBREC_INT
record type int
- TokyoTyrant::RDBREC_DBL
record type float (double)
- TokyoTyrant::TTE_SUCCESS
- TokyoTyrant::TTE_INVALID
invalid operation
- TokyoTyrant::TTE_NOHOST
host not found
- TokyoTyrant::TTE_REFUSED
connection refused
- TokyoTyrant::TTE_SEND
send error
- TokyoTyrant::TTE_RECV
recv error
- TokyoTyrant::TTE_KEEP
record exist
- TokyoTyrant::TTE_NOREC
no record found
- TokyoTyrant::TTE_MISC
miscellaneous error
Table of Contents
- TokyoTyrant::add — Adds to a numeric key
- TokyoTyrant::connect — Connect to a database
- TokyoTyrant::connectUri — Connects to a database
- TokyoTyrant::__construct — Construct a new TokyoTyrant object
- TokyoTyrant::copy — Copies the database
- TokyoTyrant::ext — Execute a remote script
- TokyoTyrant::fwmKeys — Returns the forward matching keys
- TokyoTyrant::get — The get purpose
- TokyoTyrant::getIterator — Get an iterator
- TokyoTyrant::num — Number of records in the database
- TokyoTyrant::out — Removes records
- TokyoTyrant::put — Puts values
- TokyoTyrant::putCat — Concatenates to a record
- TokyoTyrant::putKeep — Puts a record
- TokyoTyrant::putNr — Puts value
- TokyoTyrant::putShl — Concatenates to a record
- TokyoTyrant::restore — Restore the database
- TokyoTyrant::setMaster — Set the replication master
- TokyoTyrant::size — Returns the size of the value
- TokyoTyrant::stat — Get statistics
- TokyoTyrant::sync — Synchronize the database
- TokyoTyrant::tune — Tunes connection values
- TokyoTyrant::vanish — Empties the database