Predefined Constants
The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.
Colortype constants
- Gmagick::COLOR_BLACK (integer)
- Black
- Gmagick::COLOR_BLUE (integer)
- Blue
- Gmagick::COLOR_CYAN (integer)
- Cyan
- Gmagick::COLOR_GREEN (integer)
- Green
- Gmagick::COLOR_RED (integer)
- Red
- Gmagick::COLOR_YELLOW (integer)
- Yellow
- Gmagick::COLOR_MAGENTA (integer)
- Magenta
- Gmagick::COLOR_OPACITY (integer)
- Opacity
- Gmagick::COLOR_ALPHA (integer)
- Alpha
- Gmagick::COLOR_FUZZ (integer)
- Fuzz
Composite Operator Constants
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DEFAULT (integer)
- The default composite operator
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Undefined composite operator
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_NO (integer)
- No composite operator defined
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_ADD (integer)
- The result of image + image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_ATOP (integer)
- The result is the same shape as image, with composite image obscuring image where the image shapes overlap
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_BLEND (integer)
- Blends the image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_BUMPMAP (integer)
- The same as COMPOSITE_MULTIPLY, except the source is converted to grayscale first.
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_CLEAR (integer)
- Makes the target image transparent
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COLORBURN (integer)
- Darkens the destination image to reflect the source image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COLORDODGE (integer)
- Brightens the destination image to reflect the source image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COLORIZE (integer)
- Colorizes the target image using the composite image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYBLACK (integer)
- Copies black from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYBLUE (integer)
- Copies blue from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPY (integer)
- Copies the source image on the target image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYCYAN (integer)
- Copies cyan from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYGREEN (integer)
- Copies green from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYMAGENTA (integer)
- Copies magenta from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYOPACITY (integer)
- Copies opacity from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYRED (integer)
- Copies red from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYYELLOW (integer)
- Copies yellow from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DARKEN (integer)
- Darkens the target image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DSTATOP (integer)
- The part of the destination lying inside of the source is composited over the source and replaces the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DST (integer)
- The target is left untouched
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DSTIN (integer)
- The parts inside the source replace the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DSTOUT (integer)
- The parts outside the source replace the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DSTOVER (integer)
- Target replaces the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE (integer)
- Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DISPLACE (integer)
- Shifts target image pixels as defined by the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DISSOLVE (integer)
- Dissolves the source in to the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_EXCLUSION (integer)
- Produces an effect similar to that of Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE, but appears as lower contrast
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_HARDLIGHT (integer)
- Multiplies or screens the colors, dependent on the source color value
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_HUE (integer)
- Modifies the hue of the target as defined by source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_IN (integer)
- Composites source into the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_LIGHTEN (integer)
- Lightens the target as defined by source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_LUMINIZE (integer)
- Luminizes the target as defined by source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_MINUS (integer)
- Substracts the source from the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_MODULATE (integer)
- Modulates the target brightness, saturation and hue as defined by source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_MULTIPLY (integer)
- Multiplies the target to the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_OUT (integer)
- Composites outer parts of the source on the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_OVER (integer)
- Composites source over the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_OVERLAY (integer)
- Overlays the source on the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_PLUS (integer)
- Adds the source to the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_REPLACE (integer)
- Replaces the target with the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SATURATE (integer)
- Saturates the target as defined by the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SCREEN (integer)
- The source and destination are complemented and then multiplied and then replace the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTLIGHT (integer)
- Darkens or lightens the colors, dependent on the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SRCATOP (integer)
- The part of the source lying inside of the destination is composited onto the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SRC (integer)
- The source is copied to the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SRCIN (integer)
- The part of the source lying inside of the destination replaces the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SRCOUT (integer)
- The part of the source lying outside of the destination replaces the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SRCOVER (integer)
- The source replaces the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SUBTRACT (integer)
- Subtract the colors in the source image from the destination image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_THRESHOLD (integer)
- The source is composited on the target as defined by source threshold
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_XOR (integer)
- The part of the source that lies outside of the destination is combined with the part of the destination that lies outside of the source
Montage Mode constants
- Gmagick::MONTAGEMODE_FRAME (integer)
- Gmagick::MONTAGEMODE_UNFRAME (integer)
Style constants
- Gmagick::STYLE_NORMAL (integer)
- Gmagick::STYLE_ITALIC (integer)
- Gmagick::STYLE_OBLIQUE (integer)
- Gmagick::STYLE_ANY (integer)
Filter constants
- Gmagick::FILTER_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_POINT (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_BOX (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_TRIANGLE (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_HERMITE (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_HANNING (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_HAMMING (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_BLACKMAN (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_GAUSSIAN (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_QUADRATIC (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_CUBIC (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_CATROM (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_MITCHELL (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_LANCZOS (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_BESSEL (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_SINC (integer)
Image type constants
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_BILEVEL (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_GRAYSCALE (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_PALETTE (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_PALETTEMATTE (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_TRUECOLOR (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_OPTIMIZE (integer)
Resolution constants
- Gmagick::RESOLUTION_UNDEFINED (integer)
Compression constants
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_NO (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_BZIP (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_FAX (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_GROUP4 (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG2000 (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_LZW (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_RLE (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_ZIP (integer)
Paint constants
- Gmagick::PAINT_POINT (integer)
- Gmagick::PAINT_REPLACE (integer)
- Gmagick::PAINT_FLOODFILL (integer)
- Gmagick::PAINT_FILLTOBORDER (integer)
- Gmagick::PAINT_RESET (integer)
Gravity constants
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_NORTHWEST (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_NORTH (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_NORTHEAST (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_WEST (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_CENTER (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_EAST (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_SOUTHWEST (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_SOUTH (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_SOUTHEAST (integer)
Stretch constants
- Gmagick::STRETCH_NORMAL (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_CONDENSED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_SEMICONDENSED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_SEMIEXPANDED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_EXPANDED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_EXTRAEXPANDED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_ULTRAEXPANDED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_ANY (integer)
Align constants
- Gmagick::ALIGN_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::ALIGN_LEFT (integer)
- Gmagick::ALIGN_CENTER (integer)
- Gmagick::ALIGN_RIGHT (integer)
Decoration constants
- Gmagick::DECORATION_NO (integer)
- Gmagick::DECORATION_UNDERLINE (integer)
- Gmagick::DECORATION_OVERLINE (integer)
- Gmagick::DECORATION_LINETROUGH (integer)
Noise constants
- Gmagick::NOISE_UNIFORM (integer)
- Gmagick::NOISE_GAUSSIAN (integer)
- Gmagick::NOISE_IMPULSE (integer)
- Gmagick::NOISE_LAPLACIAN (integer)
- Gmagick::NOISE_POISSON (integer)
Channel constants
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_RED (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_GRAY (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_CYAN (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_GREEN (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_MAGENTA (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_BLUE (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_YELLOW (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_OPACITY (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_MATTE (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_BLACK (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_INDEX (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_ALL (integer)
Metric constants
- Gmagick::METRIC_UNDEFINED (integer)
Pixel constants
- Gmagick::PIXEL_CHAR (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_DOUBLE (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_FLOAT (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_INTEGER (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_LONG (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_QUANTUM (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_SHORT (integer)
Colorspace constants
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_RGB (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_GRAY (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_OHTA (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_LAB (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_XYZ (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_YCBCR (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_YCC (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_YIQ (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_YPBPR (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_YUV (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_CMYK (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_SRGB (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_HSB (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_HSL (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_HWB (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_REC601LUMA (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_REC709LUMA (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_LOG (integer)
Virtual Pixel Method constants
Preview constants
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_ROTATE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SHEAR (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_ROLL (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_HUE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SATURATION (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_BRIGHTNESS (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_GAMMA (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SPIFF (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_DULL (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_GRAYSCALE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_QUANTIZE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_DESPECKLE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_REDUCENOISE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_ADDNOISE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SHARPEN (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_BLUR (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_THRESHOLD (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_EDGEDETECT (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SPREAD (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SOLARIZE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SHADE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_RAISE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SEGMENT (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SWIRL (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_IMPLODE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_WAVE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_OILPAINT (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_JPEG (integer)
Rendering Intent constants
Fillrule constants
- Gmagick::FILLRULE_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::FILLRULE_EVENODD (integer)
- Gmagick::FILLRULE_NONZERO (integer)
Pathunit constants
- Gmagick::PATHUNITS_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::PATHUNITS_USERSPACE (integer)
Linecap constants
- Gmagick::LINECAP_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::LINECAP_BUTT (integer)
- Gmagick::LINECAP_ROUND (integer)
- Gmagick::LINECAP_SQUARE (integer)
Line Join constants
- Gmagick::LINEJOIN_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::LINEJOIN_MITER (integer)
- Gmagick::LINEJOIN_ROUND (integer)
- Gmagick::LINEJOIN_BEVEL (integer)
Resourcetype constants
- Gmagick::RESOURCETYPE_AREA (integer)
- Gmagick::RESOURCETYPE_DISK (integer)
- Gmagick::RESOURCETYPE_FILE (integer)
- Gmagick::RESOURCETYPE_MAP (integer)
- Gmagick::RESOURCETYPE_MEMORY (integer)
Orientation constants
- Gmagick::ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT (integer)
- Gmagick::ORIENTATION_TOPRIGHT (integer)
- Gmagick::ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP (integer)
- Gmagick::ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP (integer)