(No version information available, might only be in SVN)
Imagick::importImagePixels — Imports image pixels
Imports pixels from an array into an image. The map is usually 'RGB'. This method imposes the following constraints for the parameters: amount of pixels in the array must match width x height x length of the map. This method is available if Imagick has been compiled against ImageMagick version 6.4.5 or newer.
- x
The image x position
- y
The image y position
- width
The image width
- height
The image height
- map
Map of pixel ordering as a string. This can be for example RGB. The value can be any combination or order of R = red, G = green, B = blue, A = alpha (0 is transparent), O = opacity (0 is opaque), C = cyan, Y = yellow, M = magenta, K = black, I = intensity (for grayscale), P = pad.
- storage
The pixel storage method. Refer to this list of pixel constants.
- pixels
The array of pixels
Return Values
Returns TRUE on success.
Throws ImagickException on error.
Example #1 Imagick::importImagePixels() example
/* Generate array of pixels. 2000 pixels per color stripe */
$count = 2000 * 3;
$pixels =
array_merge(array_pad(array(), $count, 0),
array_pad(array(), $count, 255),
array_pad(array(), $count, 0),
array_pad(array(), $count, 255),
array_pad(array(), $count, 0));
/* Width and height. The area is amount of pixels divided
by three. Three comes from 'RGB', three values per pixel */
$width = $height = pow((count($pixels) / 3), 0.5);
/* Create empty image */
$im = new Imagick();
$im->newImage($width, $height, 'gray');
/* Import the pixels into image.
width * height * strlen("RGB") must match count($pixels) */
$im->importImagePixels(0, 0, $width, $height, "RGB", Imagick::PIXEL_CHAR, $pixels);
/* output as jpeg image */
header("Content-Type: image/jpg");
echo $im;
The above example will output something similar to: