New Methods
New methods were introduced in 5.2.0:
- DOMDocument::registerNodeClass() - Register extended class used to create base node type
- DOMElement::setIDAttribute() - Declares the attribute specified by name to be of type ID
- DOMElement::setIDAttributeNode() - Declares the attribute specified by node to be of type ID
- DOMElement::setIDAttributeNS() - Declares the attribute specified by local name and namespace URI to be of type ID
- DOMNode::C14N()([bool exclusive [, bool with_comments [, array xpath [, array ns_prefixes]]]]) - Canonicalize nodes to a string
- DOMNode::C14NFile()(string uri [, bool exclusive [, bool with_comments [, array xpath [, array ns_prefixes]]]]) - Canonicalize nodes to a file
- DOMNode::getNodePath()() - Gets an xpath for a node
- SoapServer::setObject()(object obj) - Sets object which will handle SOAP requests
- int ArrayObject::asort()(void) - Sort the entries by values
- int ArrayObject::ksort()(void) - Sort the entries by key
- int ArrayObject::natcasesort()(void) - Sort the entries by key using case insensitive "natural order" algorithm.
- int ArrayObject::natsort()(void) - Sort the entries by values using "natural order" algorithm.
- int ArrayObject::uasort()(callback cmp_function) - Sort the entries by values using a user defined function
- int ArrayObject::uksort()(callback cmp_function) - Sort the entries by key using a user defined function.
- ArrayIterator AppendIterator::getArrayIterator()() - Get access to inner ArrayIterator
- int AppendIterator::getIteratorIndex()() - Get index of iterator
- bool CachingIterator::getCache()() - Return the cache
- int CachingIterator::getFlags()() - Return the internal flags
- bool CachingIterator::offsetExists()(mixed index) - Returns TRUE if the requested index exists
- string CachingIterator::offsetGet()(mixed index) - Return the internal cache if used
- void CachingIterator::offsetSet()(mixed index, mixed newval) - Set given index in cache
- void CachingIterator::offsetUnset()(mixed index) - Unset given index in cache
- void CachingIterator::setFlags()() - Set the internal flags
- array("delimiter" =>, "enclosure" =>) SplFileObject::getCsvControl()(void) - Get the delimiter and enclosure character used in fgetcsv()
- void SplFileObject::setCsvControl()([string delimiter = ',' [, string enclosure = '"']]) - Set the delimiter and enclosure character used in fgetcsv()
- tidyNode tidyNode::getParent()() - Returns the parent node of the current node (Added in PHP 5.2.2)
- boolean XMLReader::setSchema() - Use W3C XSD schema to validate the document as it is processed. Activation is only possible before the first XMLReader::read()
- ZipArchive::addEmptyDir()() - Creates an empty directory in the archive