New Parameters
Some functions were given new, optional, parameters in PHP 5.2.x:
PHP Core:
- htmlentities() - added double_encode in PHP 5.2.3.
- htmlspecialchars() - added double_encode in PHP 5.2.3.
- base64_decode() - added strict
- setcookie() - added httponly
- setrawcookie() - added httponly
- session_set_cookie_params() - added httponly
- memory_get_usage() - added real_usage
- get_loaded_extensions() - added zend_extensions in PHP 5.2.4
- curl_multi_info_read() - added msgs_in_queue
- date() - added "u" (milliseconds) format character in PHP 5.2.2
- imap_open() - added n_retries
- imap_reopen() - added n_retries
- added offset
The offset parameter was put in the position the encoding parameter used to be. Backward compatibility has been provided by allowing encoding to be specified as the third parameter. Using this backward compatibility mode is not recommended because it will be removed in a future release of PHP.
- openssl_verify() - added signature_algo
- pg_escape_bytea() - added connection
- pg_escape_string() - added connection
- SimpleXMLElement::__construct() - added is_prefix
- SimpleXMLElement::attributes() - added is_prefix
- SimpleXMLElement::children() - added is_prefix
- simplexml_load_file() - added is_prefix
- simplexml_load_string() - added is_prefix
- array iterator_to_array(Traversable it [, bool use_keys = true]) - added use_keys in PHP 5.2.1
- XMLReader::open() - added encoding and options
- XMLReader::XML() - added encoding and options
- XMLWriter::WriteElement() - the content became optional in PHP 5.2.3
- XMLWriter::WriteElementNs() - the content became optional in PHP 5.2.3