(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)
SolrInputDocument::sort — Sorts the fields within the document
public bool SolrInputDocument::sort
( int $sortOrderBy
[, int $sortDirection = SolrInputDocument::SORT_ASC
] )
The fields are rearranged according to the specified criteria and sort direction Fields can be sorted by boost values, field names and number of values. The $order_by parameter must be one of : * SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_NAME * SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_BOOST_VALUE * SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT The sort direction can be one of : * SolrInputDocument::SORT_DEFAULT * SolrInputDocument::SORT_ASC * SolrInputDocument::SORT_DESC
- sortOrderBy
The sort criteria
- sortDirection
The sort direction
Return Values
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.