The SolrInputDocument class
This class represents a Solr document that is about to be submitted to the Solr index.
Class synopsis
Predefined Constants
SolrInputDocument Class Constants
- SolrInputDocument::SORT_DEFAULT
Sorts the fields in ascending order.
- SolrInputDocument::SORT_ASC
Sorts the fields in ascending order.
- SolrInputDocument::SORT_DESC
Sorts the fields in descending order.
- SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_NAME
Sorts the fields by name
Sorts the fields by number of values.
Sorts the fields by boost value.
Table of Contents
- SolrInputDocument::addField — Adds a field to the document
- SolrInputDocument::clear — Resets the input document
- SolrInputDocument::__clone — Creates a copy of a SolrDocument
- SolrInputDocument::__construct — Constructor
- SolrInputDocument::deleteField — Removes a field from the document
- SolrInputDocument::__destruct — Destructor
- SolrInputDocument::fieldExists — Checks if a field exists
- SolrInputDocument::getBoost — Retrieves the current boost value for the document
- SolrInputDocument::getField — Retrieves a field by name
- SolrInputDocument::getFieldBoost — Retrieves the boost value for a particular field
- SolrInputDocument::getFieldCount — Returns the number of fields in the document
- SolrInputDocument::getFieldNames — Returns an array containing all the fields in the document
- SolrInputDocument::merge — Merges one input document into another
- SolrInputDocument::reset — This is an alias of SolrInputDocument::clear
- SolrInputDocument::setBoost — Sets the boost value for this document
- SolrInputDocument::setFieldBoost — Sets the index-time boost value for a field
- SolrInputDocument::sort — Sorts the fields within the document
- SolrInputDocument::toArray — Returns an array representation of the input document