The MySQLi_STMT class
Represents a prepared statement.
Class synopsis
/* Properties */
int $affected_rows;
int $errno;
string $error;
int $field_count;
int $insert_id;
int $num_rows;
int $param_count;
string $sqlstate;
/* Methods */
int MySQLi_STMT::mysqli_stmt_affected_rows
( mysqli_stmt $stmt
}Table of Contents
- mysqli_stmt->affected_rows — Returns the total number of rows changed, deleted, or inserted by the last executed statement
- mysqli_stmt::attr_get — Used to get the current value of a statement attribute
- mysqli_stmt::attr_set — Used to modify the behavior of a prepared statement
- mysqli_stmt::bind_param — Binds variables to a prepared statement as parameters
- mysqli_stmt::bind_result — Binds variables to a prepared statement for result storage
- mysqli_stmt::close — Closes a prepared statement
- mysqli_stmt::data_seek — Seeks to an arbitrary row in statement result set
- mysqli_stmt->errno — Returns the error code for the most recent statement call
- mysqli_stmt->error — Returns a string description for last statement error
- mysqli_stmt::execute — Executes a prepared Query
- mysqli_stmt::fetch — Fetch results from a prepared statement into the bound variables
- mysqli_stmt->field_count — Returns the number of field in the given statement
- mysqli_stmt::free_result — Frees stored result memory for the given statement handle
- mysqli_stmt::get_warnings — Get result of SHOW WARNINGS
- mysqli_stmt->insert_id — Get the ID generated from the previous INSERT operation
- mysqli_stmt::num_rows — Return the number of rows in statements result set
- mysqli_stmt->param_count — Returns the number of parameter for the given statement
- mysqli_stmt::prepare — Prepare an SQL statement for execution
- mysqli_stmt::reset — Resets a prepared statement
- mysqli_stmt::result_metadata — Returns result set metadata from a prepared statement
- mysqli_stmt::send_long_data — Send data in blocks
- mysqli_stmt::sqlstate — Returns SQLSTATE error from previous statement operation
- mysqli_stmt::store_result — Transfers a result set from a prepared statement