(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)
cubrid_error_msg — Is used to get the error message
string cubrid_error_msg
( void
The cubrid_error_msg() function is used to get the error message that occurred during the use of CUBRID API. Usually, it gets error message when API returns false as its return value.
This function has no parameters.
Return Values
Error message that occurred.
Example #1 cubrid_error_msg() example
$req = cubrid_execute ($con, "select id, name from person");
if ($req) {
while (list ($id, $name) = cubrid_fetch($req))
echo $id, $name;
} else {
echo "Error Code: ", cubrid_error_code ();
echo "Error Facility: ", cubrid_error_code_facility ();
echo "Error Message: ", cubrid_error_msg ();
See Also
- cubrid_error_code() - Is used to get the error code
- cubrid_error_code_facility() - Is used to get the facility code