(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)
cubrid_num_cols — Is used to get the number of columns
int cubrid_num_cols
( resource $req_identifier
The cubrid_num_cols() function is used to get the number of columns from the query result. It can only be used when the query executed is a select sentence.
- req_identifier
Request identifier.
Return Values
Number of columns, when process is successful.
-1, if SQL sentence is not SELECT.
Example #1 cubrid_num_cols() example
$req = cubrid_execute ($con, "select * from member");
if ($req) {
$rows_count = cubrid_num_rows ($req);
$cols_count = cubrid_num_cols ($req);
echo "result set rows count : $rows\n";
echo "result set columns count : $cols\n";
cubrid_close_request ($req);
See Also
- cubrid_execute() - Is used to execute the given SQL sentence.
- cubrid_num_rows() - Is used to get the number of rows