(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)
cubrid_send_glo — Is used to read data from glo
int cubrid_send_glo
( resource $conn_identifier
, string $oid
The cubrid_send_glo() function is used to read data from glo instance and sends it to the PHP standard output.
- conn_identifier
Connection identifier.
- oid
Oid of the glo instance that you want to read data from.
Return Values
TRUE, when process is successful.
FALSE, when process is unsuccessful.
Example #1 cubrid_send_glo() example
$req = cubrid_execute ($con, "select image from person where id =1");
if ($req) {
list ($oid) = cubrid_fetch($req);
Header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
cubrid_send_glo ($con, $oid);
See Also
- cubrid_new_glo() - Is used to create a glo instance
- cubrid_save_to_glo() - Is used to save requested file
- cubrid_load_from_glo() - Is used to read a data