The RecursiveIteratorIterator class
Can be used to iterate through recursive iterators.
Class synopsis
/* Methods */
/* Inherited methods */
}Table of Contents
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::beginChildren — Begin children
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::beginIteration — Begin Iteration
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::callGetChildren — Get children
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::callHasChildren — Has children
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::__construct — Construct a RecursiveIteratorIterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::current — Access the current element value
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::endChildren — End children
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::endIteration — End Iteration
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getDepth — Get the current depth of the recursive iteration
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getInnerIterator — Get inner iterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getMaxDepth — Get max depth
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getSubIterator — The current active sub iterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::key — Access the current key
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::next — Move forward to the next element
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::nextElement — Next element
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::rewind — Rewind the iterator to the first element of the top level inner iterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::setMaxDepth — Set max depth
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::valid — Check whether the current position is valid