- Introduction
- Installing/Configuring
- Predefined Constants
- Examples
- AMQPConnection — The AMQPConnection class
- AMQPConnection::connect — Establish a connection with the AMQP broker.
- AMQPConnection::__construct — Create an instance of AMQPConnection
- AMQPConnection::disconnect — Closes the connection with the AMQP broker.
- AMQPConnection::isConnected — Determine if the AMQPConnection object is still connected to the broker.
- AMQPConnection::reconnect — Closes any open connection and creates a new connection with the AMQP broker.
- AMQPConnection::setHost — Set the amqp host.
- AMQPConnection::setLogin — Set the login.
- AMQPConnection::setPassword — Set the password.
- AMQPConnection::setPort — Set the port.
- AMQPExchange — The AMQPExchange class
- AMQPExchange::bind — The bind purpose
- AMQPExchange::__construct — Create an instance of AMQPExchange
- AMQPExchange::declare — Declare a new exchange on the broker.
- AMQPExchange::delete — Delete the exchange from the broker.
- AMQPExchange::publish — Publish a message to an exchange.
- AMQPQueue — The AMQPQueue class
- AMQPQueue::ack — Acknowledge the receipt of a message
- AMQPQueue::bind — Bind the given queue to a routing key on an exchange.
- AMQPQueue::cancel — Cancel a queue binding.
- AMQPQueue::__construct — Create an instance of an AMQPQueue object.
- AMQPQueue::consume — The consume purpose
- AMQPQueue::declare — Declare a new queue
- AMQPQueue::delete — Delete a queue and its contents.
- AMQPQueue::get — Retrieve the next message from the queue.
- AMQPQueue::purge — Purge the contents of a queue
- AMQPQueue::unbind — Unbind the queue from a routing key.