Ovrimos SQL
- Introduction
- Installing/Configuring
- Predefined Constants
- Examples
- Ovrimos SQL Functions
- ovrimos_close — Closes the connection to ovrimos
- ovrimos_commit — Commits the transaction
- ovrimos_connect — Connect to the specified database
- ovrimos_cursor — Returns the name of the cursor
- ovrimos_exec — Executes an SQL statement
- ovrimos_execute — Executes a prepared SQL statement
- ovrimos_fetch_into — Fetches a row from the result set
- ovrimos_fetch_row — Fetches a row from the result set
- ovrimos_field_len — Returns the length of the output column
- ovrimos_field_name — Returns the output column name
- ovrimos_field_num — Returns the (1-based) index of the output column
- ovrimos_field_type — Returns the type of the output column
- ovrimos_free_result — Frees the specified result_id
- ovrimos_longreadlen — Specifies how many bytes are to be retrieved from long datatypes
- ovrimos_num_fields — Returns the number of columns
- ovrimos_num_rows — Returns the number of rows affected by update operations
- ovrimos_prepare — Prepares an SQL statement
- ovrimos_result_all — Prints the whole result set as an HTML table
- ovrimos_result — Retrieves the output column
- ovrimos_rollback — Rolls back the transaction