List of Function Aliases

There are quite a few functions in PHP which you can call with more than one name. In some cases there is no preferred name among the multiple ones, is_int() and is_integer() are equally good for example. However there are functions which changed names because of an API cleanup or some other reason and the old names are only kept as aliases for backward compatibility. It is usually a bad idea to use these kind of aliases, as they may be bound to obsolescence or renaming, which will lead to unportable script. This list is provided to help those who want to upgrade their old scripts to newer syntax.

Alias Master function Extension used
_ gettext() Gettext
add swfmovie_add() Ming (flash)
add swfsprite_add() Ming (flash)
add_root domxml_add_root() DOM XML
addaction swfbutton_addAction() Ming (flash)
addcolor swfdisplayitem_addColor() Ming (flash)
addentry swfgradient_addEntry() Ming (flash)
addfill swfshape_addfill() Ming (flash)
addshape swfbutton_addShape() Ming (flash)
addstring swftext_addString() Ming (flash)
addstring swftextfield_addString() Ming (flash)
align swftextfield_align() Ming (flash)
attributes domxml_attributes() DOM XML
children domxml_children() DOM XML
chop rtrim() Base syntax
close closedir() Base syntax
com_get com_propget() COM
com_propset com_propput() COM
com_set com_propput() COM
die exit() Miscellaneous functions
dir getdir() Base syntax
diskfreespace disk_free_space() Filesystem
domxml_getattr domxml_get_attribute() DOM XML
domxml_setattr domxml_set_attribute() DOM XML
doubleval floatval() Base syntax
drawarc swfshape_drawarc() Ming (flash)
drawcircle swfshape_drawcircle() Ming (flash)
drawcubic swfshape_drawcubic() Ming (flash)
drawcubicto swfshape_drawcubicto() Ming (flash)
drawcurve swfshape_drawcurve() Ming (flash)
drawcurveto swfshape_drawcurveto() Ming (flash)
drawglyph swfshape_drawglyph() Ming (flash)
drawline swfshape_drawline() Ming (flash)
drawlineto swfshape_drawlineto() Ming (flash)
dtd domxml_intdtd() DOM XML
dumpmem domxml_dumpmem() DOM XML
fbsql fbsql_db_query() FrontBase
fputs fwrite() Base syntax
get_attribute domxml_get_attribute() DOM XML
getascent swffont_getAscent() Ming (flash)
getascent swftext_getAscent() Ming (flash)
getattr domxml_get_attribute() DOM XML
getdescent swffont_getDescent() Ming (flash)
getdescent swftext_getDescent() Ming (flash)
getheight swfbitmap_getHeight() Ming (flash)
getleading swffont_getLeading() Ming (flash)
getleading swftext_getLeading() Ming (flash)
getshape1 swfmorph_getShape1() Ming (flash)
getshape2 swfmorph_getShape2() Ming (flash)
getwidth swfbitmap_getWidth() Ming (flash)
getwidth swffont_getWidth() Ming (flash)
getwidth swftext_getWidth() Ming (flash)
gzputs gzwrite() Zlib
i18n_convert mb_convert_encoding() Multi-bytes Strings
i18n_discover_encoding mb_detect_encoding() Multi-bytes Strings
i18n_http_input mb_http_input() Multi-bytes Strings
i18n_http_output mb_http_output() Multi-bytes Strings
i18n_internal_encoding mb_internal_encoding() Multi-bytes Strings
i18n_ja_jp_hantozen mb_convert_kana() Multi-bytes Strings
i18n_mime_header_decode mb_decode_mimeheader() Multi-bytes Strings
i18n_mime_header_encode mb_encode_mimeheader() Multi-bytes Strings
imap_create imap_createmailbox() IMAP
imap_fetchtext imap_body() IMAP
imap_getmailboxes imap_list_full() IMAP
imap_getsubscribed imap_lsub_full() IMAP
imap_header imap_headerinfo() IMAP
imap_listmailbox imap_list() IMAP
imap_listsubscribed imap_lsub() IMAP
imap_rename imap_renamemailbox() IMAP
imap_scan imap_listscan() IMAP
imap_scanmailbox imap_listscan() IMAP
ini_alter ini_set() Base syntax
is_double is_float() Base syntax
is_integer is_int() Base syntax
is_long is_int() Base syntax
is_real is_float() Base syntax
is_writeable is_writable() Base syntax
join implode() Base syntax
key_exists array_key_exists() Base syntax
labelframe swfmovie_labelFrame() Ming (flash)
labelframe swfsprite_labelFrame() Ming (flash)
last_child domxml_last_child() DOM XML
lastchild domxml_last_child() DOM XML
ldap_close ldap_unbind() LDAP
magic_quotes_runtime set_magic_quotes_runtime() Base syntax
mbstrcut mb_strcut() Multi-bytes Strings
mbstrlen mb_strlen() Multi-bytes Strings
mbstrpos mb_strpos() Multi-bytes Strings
mbstrrpos mb_strrpos() Multi-bytes Strings
mbsubstr mb_substr() Multi-bytes Strings
ming_setcubicthreshold ming_setCubicThreshold() Ming (flash)
ming_setscale ming_setScale() Ming (flash)
move swfdisplayitem_move() Ming (flash)
movepen swfshape_movepen() Ming (flash)
movepento swfshape_movepento() Ming (flash)
moveto swfdisplayitem_moveTo() Ming (flash)
moveto swffill_moveTo() Ming (flash)
moveto swftext_moveTo() Ming (flash)
msql msql_db_query() mSQL
msql_createdb msql_create_db() mSQL
msql_dbname msql_result() mSQL
msql_dropdb msql_drop_db() mSQL
msql_fieldflags msql_field_flags() mSQL
msql_fieldlen msql_field_len() mSQL
msql_fieldname msql_field_name() mSQL
msql_fieldtable msql_field_table() mSQL
msql_fieldtype msql_field_type() mSQL
msql_freeresult msql_free_result() mSQL
msql_listdbs msql_list_dbs() mSQL
msql_listfields msql_list_fields() mSQL
msql_listtables msql_list_tables() mSQL
msql_numfields msql_num_fields() mSQL
msql_numrows msql_num_rows() mSQL
msql_regcase sql_regcase() mSQL
msql_selectdb msql_select_db() mSQL
msql_tablename msql_result() mSQL
mssql_affected_rows sybase_affected_rows() Sybase
mssql_affected_rows sybase_affected_rows() Sybase
mssql_close sybase_close() Sybase
mssql_close sybase_close() Sybase
mssql_connect sybase_connect() Sybase
mssql_connect sybase_connect() Sybase
mssql_data_seek sybase_data_seek() Sybase
mssql_data_seek sybase_data_seek() Sybase
mssql_fetch_array sybase_fetch_array() Sybase
mssql_fetch_array sybase_fetch_array() Sybase
mssql_fetch_field sybase_fetch_field() Sybase
mssql_fetch_field sybase_fetch_field() Sybase
mssql_fetch_object sybase_fetch_object() Sybase
mssql_fetch_object sybase_fetch_object() Sybase
mssql_fetch_row sybase_fetch_row() Sybase
mssql_fetch_row sybase_fetch_row() Sybase
mssql_field_seek sybase_field_seek() Sybase
mssql_field_seek sybase_field_seek() Sybase
mssql_free_result sybase_free_result() Sybase
mssql_free_result sybase_free_result() Sybase
mssql_get_last_message sybase_get_last_message() Sybase
mssql_get_last_message sybase_get_last_message() Sybase
mssql_min_client_severity sybase_min_client_severity() Sybase
mssql_min_error_severity sybase_min_error_severity() Sybase
mssql_min_message_severity sybase_min_message_severity() Sybase
mssql_min_server_severity sybase_min_server_severity() Sybase
mssql_num_fields sybase_num_fields() Sybase
mssql_num_fields sybase_num_fields() Sybase
mssql_num_rows sybase_num_rows() Sybase
mssql_num_rows sybase_num_rows() Sybase
mssql_pconnect sybase_pconnect() Sybase
mssql_pconnect sybase_pconnect() Sybase
mssql_query sybase_query() Sybase
mssql_query sybase_query() Sybase
mssql_result sybase_result() Sybase
mssql_result sybase_result() Sybase
mssql_select_db sybase_select_db() Sybase
mssql_select_db sybase_select_db() Sybase
multcolor swfdisplayitem_multColor() Ming (flash)
mysql mysql_db_query() MySQL
mysql_createdb mysql_create_db() MySQL
mysql_db_name mysql_result() MySQL
mysql_dbname mysql_result() MySQL
mysql_dropdb mysql_drop_db() MySQL
mysql_fieldflags mysql_field_flags() MySQL
mysql_fieldlen mysql_field_len() MySQL
mysql_fieldname mysql_field_name() MySQL
mysql_fieldtable mysql_field_table() MySQL
mysql_fieldtype mysql_field_type() MySQL
mysql_freeresult mysql_free_result() MySQL
mysql_listdbs mysql_list_dbs() MySQL
mysql_listfields mysql_list_fields() MySQL
mysql_listtables mysql_list_tables() MySQL
mysql_numfields mysql_num_fields() MySQL
mysql_numrows mysql_num_rows() MySQL
mysql_selectdb mysql_select_db() MySQL
mysql_tablename mysql_result() MySQL
name domxml_attrname() DOM XML
new_child domxml_new_child() DOM XML
new_xmldoc domxml_new_xmldoc() DOM XML
nextframe swfmovie_nextFrame() Ming (flash)
nextframe swfsprite_nextFrame() Ming (flash)
node domxml_node() DOM XML
oci8append ocicollappend() OCI8
oci8assign ocicollassign() OCI8
oci8assignelem ocicollassignelem() OCI8
oci8close ocicloselob() OCI8
oci8free ocifreecoll() OCI8
oci8free ocifreedesc() OCI8
oci8getelem ocicollgetelem() OCI8
oci8load ociloadlob() OCI8
oci8max ocicollmax() OCI8
oci8ocifreecursor ocifreestatement() OCI8
oci8save ocisavelob() OCI8
oci8savefile ocisavelobfile() OCI8
oci8size ocicollsize() OCI8
oci8trim ocicolltrim() OCI8
oci8writetemporary ociwritetemporarylob() OCI8
oci8writetofile ociwritelobtofile() OCI8
odbc_do odbc_exec() ODBC
odbc_field_precision odbc_field_len() ODBC
output swfmovie_output() Ming (flash)
parent domxml_parent() DOM XML
pdf_add_outline pdf_add_bookmark() PDF
pg_clientencoding pg_client_encoding() PostgreSQL
pg_setclientencoding pg_set_client_encoding() PostgreSQL
pos current() Base syntax
recode recode_string() Recode
remove swfmovie_remove() Ming (flash)
remove swfsprite_remove() Ming (flash)
rewind rewinddir() Base syntax
root domxml_root() DOM XML
rotate swfdisplayitem_rotate() Ming (flash)
rotateto swfdisplayitem_rotateTo() Ming (flash)
rotateto swffill_rotateTo() Ming (flash)
save swfmovie_save() Ming (flash)
savetofile swfmovie_saveToFile() Ming (flash)
scale swfdisplayitem_scale() Ming (flash)
scaleto swfdisplayitem_scaleTo() Ming (flash)
scaleto swffill_scaleTo() Ming (flash)
set_attribute domxml_set_attribute() DOM XML
set_content domxml_set_content() DOM XML
setaction swfbutton_setAction() Ming (flash)
setattr domxml_set_attribute() DOM XML
setbackground swfmovie_setBackground() Ming (flash)
setbounds swftextfield_setBounds() Ming (flash)
setcolor swftext_setColor() Ming (flash)
setcolor swftextfield_setColor() Ming (flash)
setdepth swfdisplayitem_setDepth() Ming (flash)
setdimension swfmovie_setDimension() Ming (flash)
setdown swfbutton_setDown() Ming (flash)
setfont swftext_setFont() Ming (flash)
setfont swftextfield_setFont() Ming (flash)
setframes swfmovie_setFrames() Ming (flash)
setframes swfsprite_setFrames() Ming (flash)
setheight swftext_setHeight() Ming (flash)
setheight swftextfield_setHeight() Ming (flash)
sethit swfbutton_setHit() Ming (flash)
setindentation swftextfield_setIndentation() Ming (flash)
setleftfill swfshape_setleftfill() Ming (flash)
setleftmargin swftextfield_setLeftMargin() Ming (flash)
setline swfshape_setline() Ming (flash)
setlinespacing swftextfield_setLineSpacing() Ming (flash)
setmargins swftextfield_setMargins() Ming (flash)
setmatrix swfdisplayitem_setMatrix() Ming (flash)
setname swfdisplayitem_setName() Ming (flash)
setname swftextfield_setName() Ming (flash)
setover swfbutton_setOver() Ming (flash)
setrate swfmovie_setRate() Ming (flash)
setratio swfdisplayitem_setRatio() Ming (flash)
setrightfill swfshape_setrightfill() Ming (flash)
setrightmargin swftextfield_setRightMargin() Ming (flash)
setspacing swftext_setSpacing() Ming (flash)
setup swfbutton_setUp() Ming (flash)
show_source highlight_file() Base syntax
sizeof count() Base syntax
skewx swfdisplayitem_skewX() Ming (flash)
skewxto swfdisplayitem_skewXTo() Ming (flash)
skewxto swffill_skewXTo() Ming (flash)
skewy swfdisplayitem_skewY() Ming (flash)
skewyto swfdisplayitem_skewYTo() Ming (flash)
skewyto swffill_skewYTo() Ming (flash)
snmpwalkoid snmprealwalk() SNMP
strchr strstr() Base syntax
streammp3 swfmovie_streamMp3() Ming (flash)
swfaction swfaction_init() Ming (flash)
swfbitmap swfbitmap_init() Ming (flash)
swfbutton swfbutton_init() Ming (flash)
swffill swffill_init() Ming (flash)
swffont swffont_init() Ming (flash)
swfgradient swfgradient_init() Ming (flash)
swfmorph swfmorph_init() Ming (flash)
swfmovie swfmovie_init() Ming (flash)
swfshape swfshape_init() Ming (flash)
swfsprite swfsprite_init() Ming (flash)
swftext swftext_init() Ming (flash)
swftextfield swftextfield_init() Ming (flash)
unlink domxml_unlink_node() DOM XML
xptr_new_context xpath_new_context() DOM XML

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