Oracle OCI8
- Introduction
- Installing/Configuring
- Predefined Constants
- Examples
- Connection Handling
- Supported Datatypes
- OCI8 Functions
- oci_bind_array_by_name — Binds a PHP array to an Oracle PL/SQL array parameter
- oci_bind_by_name — Binds a PHP variable to an Oracle placeholder
- oci_cancel — Cancels reading from cursor
- oci_close — Closes an Oracle connection
- OCI-Collection->append — Appends element to the collection
- OCI-Collection->assign — Assigns a value to the collection from another existing collection
- OCI-Collection->assignElem — Assigns a value to the element of the collection
- OCI-Collection->free — Frees the resources associated with the collection object
- OCI-Collection->getElem — Returns value of the element
- OCI-Collection->max — Returns the maximum number of elements in the collection
- OCI-Collection->size — Returns size of the collection
- OCI-Collection->trim — Trims elements from the end of the collection
- oci_commit — Commits the outstanding database transaction
- oci_connect — Connect to an Oracle database
- oci_define_by_name — Associates a PHP variable with a column for query fetches
- oci_error — Returns the last error found
- oci_execute — Executes a statement
- oci_fetch_all — Fetches multiple rows from a query into a two-dimensional array
- oci_fetch_array — Returns the next row from a query as an associative or numeric array
- oci_fetch_assoc — Returns the next row from a query as an associative array
- oci_fetch_object — Returns the next row from a query as an object
- oci_fetch_row — Returns the next row from a query as a numeric array
- oci_fetch — Fetches the next row from a query into internal buffers
- oci_field_is_null — Checks if the field is NULL
- oci_field_name — Returns the name of a field from the statement
- oci_field_precision — Tell the precision of a field
- oci_field_scale — Tell the scale of the field
- oci_field_size — Returns field's size
- oci_field_type_raw — Tell the raw Oracle data type of the field
- oci_field_type — Returns field's data type
- oci_free_statement — Frees all resources associated with statement or cursor
- oci_internal_debug — Enables or disables internal debug output
- OCI-Lob->append — Appends data from the large object to another large object
- OCI-Lob->close — Closes LOB descriptor
- oci_lob_copy — Copies large object
- OCI-Lob->eof — Tests for end-of-file on a large object's descriptor
- OCI-Lob->erase — Erases a specified portion of the internal LOB data
- OCI-Lob->export — Exports LOB's contents to a file
- OCI-Lob->flush — Flushes/writes buffer of the LOB to the server
- OCI-Lob->free — Frees resources associated with the LOB descriptor
- OCI-Lob->getBuffering — Returns current state of buffering for the large object
- OCI-Lob->import — Imports file data to the LOB
- oci_lob_is_equal — Compares two LOB/FILE locators for equality
- OCI-Lob->load — Returns large object's contents
- OCI-Lob->read — Reads part of the large object
- OCI-Lob->rewind — Moves the internal pointer to the beginning of the large object
- OCI-Lob->save — Saves data to the large object
- OCI-Lob->saveFile — Alias of oci_lob_import
- OCI-Lob->seek — Sets the internal pointer of the large object
- OCI-Lob->setBuffering — Changes current state of buffering for the large object
- OCI-Lob->size — Returns size of large object
- OCI-Lob->tell — Returns the current position of internal pointer of large object
- OCI-Lob->truncate — Truncates large object
- OCI-Lob->write — Writes data to the large object
- OCI-Lob->writeTemporary — Writes a temporary large object
- OCI-Lob->writeToFile — Alias of oci_lob_export
- oci_new_collection — Allocates new collection object
- oci_new_connect — Connect to the Oracle server using a unique connection
- oci_new_cursor — Allocates and returns a new cursor (statement handle)
- oci_new_descriptor — Initializes a new empty LOB or FILE descriptor
- oci_num_fields — Returns the number of result columns in a statement
- oci_num_rows — Returns number of rows affected during statement execution
- oci_parse — Prepares an Oracle statement for execution
- oci_password_change — Changes password of Oracle's user
- oci_pconnect — Connect to an Oracle database using a persistent connection
- oci_result — Returns field's value from the fetched row
- oci_rollback — Rolls back the outstanding database transaction
- oci_server_version — Returns server version
- oci_set_action — Sets the action name
- oci_set_client_identifier — Sets the client identifier
- oci_set_client_info — Sets the client information
- oci_set_edition — Sets the database edition
- oci_set_module_name — Sets the module name
- oci_set_prefetch — Sets number of rows to be prefetched by queries
- oci_statement_type — Returns the type of a statement
- OCI8 Obsolete Aliases and Functions
- ocibindbyname — Alias of oci_bind_by_name
- ocicancel — Alias of oci_cancel
- ocicloselob — Alias of
- ocicollappend — Alias of
- ocicollassign — Alias of
- ocicollassignelem — Alias of
- ocicollgetelem — Alias of
- ocicollmax — Alias of
- ocicollsize — Alias of
- ocicolltrim — Alias of
- ocicolumnisnull — Alias of oci_field_is_null
- ocicolumnname — Alias of oci_field_name
- ocicolumnprecision — Alias of oci_field_precision
- ocicolumnscale — Alias of oci_field_scale
- ocicolumnsize — Alias of oci_field_size
- ocicolumntype — Alias of oci_field_type
- ocicolumntyperaw — Alias of oci_field_type_raw
- ocicommit — Alias of oci_commit
- ocidefinebyname — Alias of oci_define_by_name
- ocierror — Alias of oci_error
- ociexecute — Alias of oci_execute
- ocifetch — Alias of oci_fetch
- ocifetchinto — Fetches the next row into an array (deprecated)
- ocifetchstatement — Alias of oci_fetch_all
- ocifreecollection — Alias of
- ocifreecursor — Alias of oci_free_statement
- ocifreedesc — Alias of
- ocifreestatement — Alias of oci_free_statement
- ociinternaldebug — Alias of oci_internal_debug
- ociloadlob — Alias of
- ocilogoff — Alias of oci_close
- ocilogon — Alias of oci_connect
- ocinewcollection — Alias of oci_new_collection
- ocinewcursor — Alias of oci_new_cursor
- ocinewdescriptor — Alias of oci_new_descriptor
- ocinlogon — Alias of oci_new_connect
- ocinumcols — Alias of oci_num_fields
- ociparse — Alias of oci_parse
- ociplogon — Alias of oci_pconnect
- ociresult — Alias of oci_result
- ocirollback — Alias of oci_rollback
- ocirowcount — Alias of oci_num_rows
- ocisavelob — Alias of
- ocisavelobfile — Alias of
- ociserverversion — Alias of oci_server_version
- ocisetprefetch — Alias of oci_set_prefetch
- ocistatementtype — Alias of oci_statement_type
- ociwritelobtofile — Alias of
- ociwritetemporarylob — Alias of